Update Permission Denied

I'm trying to bulk update via a primary key, but I get the following error message: "update "user" set "last_name" = $1 where "id" = $2 - permission denied for table user"

bulkUpdate: {"status":422,"message":"update "user" set "last_name" = $1 where "id" = $2 - permission denied for table user","statusCode":422,"error":"Unprocessable Entity","data":null,"isRetoolSystemError":false,"queryExecutionMetadata":{"estimatedRespo...

I am able to update values directly on my database, but seems like there is a permission issue with Retool. How do I go about this?

Hi @Jiwon_Shin, what database are you trying to make the updates to? It sounds like it may be a permissions issue at the db level.