Update one column in multiple rows using data from a form with data from multiple columns

I'm new to reTool and Javascript. My knowledge is bad. So i need all inn with a teaspoon.
I have some knowledge about MySQL, PHP and HTML.

  • Goal: is to show a list of tasks and be able to multi update some fields with the same data but not all fields. only the filed i have changed in the form.

I have a table "list_tasks" (SQL from db) with multiple selection enabled. I need to be able to select multiple tasks and update only the fields that I have changed in the "list_tasks_form"

I use a button to trigger a update SQL.
"UPDATE Taskmain SPM

Set SPM.ResponsibleUserID = {{task_resp.selectedItem.UserId}}
, SPM.TaskComment = {{task_comment.value}}
, SPM.TaskStatus ={{task_status.selectedItem.StatusId}}
, SPM.TaskDueDate = {{task_duedate.value}}
where SPM.taskID = {{list_tasks.selectedRow.taskId}};

Table settings:

Form Setting

When I press the update button. it updates all the fields to the same value as last selected row.

Example i want to update 10 tasks with status "Finish", statusID = 2, without changing the comments, user or due date on the 10 taskes.

Can any one help me with a code that only update task status as this has been changed?