Unable to set different values for different environments in resource configuration

Alright everyone, since my team was struggling to work properly due to being stuck with just one environment, I decided to get creative and found a technical workaround to fix the issue.

Here’s what I did:

  1. Go to the resource that’s causing the problem.
  2. If Production is currently working for you, switch to Staging (or whichever environment you need) and make a small change.
  3. Copy the PATCH cURL that updates the values.
  4. Open Postman and import the cURL.
  5. Manually set the correct values in Postman.
  6. Hit “Send.”

Even though the wrong values might still show in the UI, the correct values are actually applied, so avoid making any further changes or hitting save. After this, both Staging and Production started working for me again.

:warning: Only use when you know what you do though!

For Retool: It appears that the saving mechanism functions correctly, but the UI displays outdated values (showing the same ones even though the underlying data is correct = different ones for each environment when you look into the response of the GET call). As a result, when the user clicks the save button, it saves the incorrect values shown in the UI instead of the updated data.

Thanks for sharing this!

Our team also shipped a fix for this bug, so I'm hoping it's resolved :crossed_fingers: Please let me know if you're still seeing unexpected behavior