Unable to see retool app's

Problem: They are able to log in, however the app's never load. It continues to load and only say: Welcome to Retool.
Also, some user's are either: unable to log into retool and get the error: 'cannot execute DELETE in read-only transaction'

We’re getting your apps…

I confirmed with our team that no changes have been made to our retool repo since we are self-hosted.

Tried restarting but no luck.
When I go to inspect the page, and the go to the network tab I see :
'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 504 (Gateway Time-out)'

Update was able to view container logs and can see error. attached portion of container logs below:

stack":"SequelizeConnectionAcquireTimeoutError: Operation timeout\n at ConnectionManager.getConnection (/retool_backend/node_modules/.pnpm/sequelize@6.31.0_mysql2@2.3.3_oracledb@5.3.0_pg@8.7.3_snowflake-sdk@1.9.0_tedious@11.8.0/node_modules/sequelize/lib/dialects/abstract/connection-manager.js:206:15)\n at async /retool_backend/node_modules/.pnpm/sequelize@6.31.0_mysql2@2.3.3_oracledb@5.3.0_pg@8.7.3_snowflake-sdk@1.9.0_tedious@11.8.0/node_modules/sequelize/lib/sequelize.js:305:26","timestamp":"2024-10-24T18:28:19.690Z","type":"DATABASE_ERROR"

Has anyone else seen this issue?

Hi Ian!

Are you able to access your container logs?

Ideally we'd like to have your admin verify your Postgres permissions are correct for users/databases (i.e. that user has write access to the database). But, I understand they can't access the settings page.

What version of Retool are you currently running?


Reached out to our eng team to gather container logs. However want to confirm that this would help with the 504 gateway error vs. a user's not able to log in

Potentially both issues. Did both issues appear at the same time?

Yes both appeared at the same time.

I was able to grab the logs, however the content is a bit foregin to me. However after discussing with our admin it looks like retool is not able to connect to postgres DB

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Update, after looking at it closer, it was concluded it was an azure firewall issue. Again thank you for your help