Problem: They are able to log in, however the app's never load. It continues to load and only say: Welcome to Retool.
Also, some user's are either: unable to log into retool and get the error: 'cannot execute DELETE in read-only transaction'
We’re getting your apps…
I confirmed with our team that no changes have been made to our retool repo since we are self-hosted.
Tried restarting but no luck.
When I go to inspect the page, and the go to the network tab I see :
'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 504 (Gateway Time-out)'
Update was able to view container logs and can see error. attached portion of container logs below:
stack":"SequelizeConnectionAcquireTimeoutError: Operation timeout\n at ConnectionManager.getConnection (/retool_backend/node_modules/.pnpm/sequelize@6.31.0_mysql2@2.3.3_oracledb@5.3.0_pg@8.7.3_snowflake-sdk@1.9.0_tedious@11.8.0/node_modules/sequelize/lib/dialects/abstract/connection-manager.js:206:15)\n at async /retool_backend/node_modules/.pnpm/sequelize@6.31.0_mysql2@2.3.3_oracledb@5.3.0_pg@8.7.3_snowflake-sdk@1.9.0_tedious@11.8.0/node_modules/sequelize/lib/sequelize.js:305:26","timestamp":"2024-10-24T18:28:19.690Z","type":"DATABASE_ERROR"
Has anyone else seen this issue?