Unable to rename Apps

I created an app within our self-hosted Retool instance (3.52.1 now) and can't rename the app. I've tried both from the Edit App Details popup (clicking on App name) and from the App navigation screen (3 dots - Rename). Any way to fix this? I created the App so weird that I can't rename it...

The error I see in developer tools is: Forbidden
You don't have permission to access this resource.

Request URL:
Request Method:
Status Code:
403 Forbidden

Hi mikec,
I understand you are having trouble renaming an application in your instance. Have you encountered this problem after any major changes? Is the app in question a protect app? If you're are unable to rename the app, it could be related to your user permissions, have you confirmed these?

Hi Diego. This has been happening awhile. First started with having trouble editing existing resources (wouldn't save changes). Updated to 3.39.0-edge. Noticed that I was having trouble renaming Apps. Updated to 3.52 - still having issues with Resources and also Apps.

I don't think the app is a "protect app". It's one that I created from just clicking Create -> App with no special permissions. I am able to create new apps but it just puts my name and date on it as the name and unable to change. I can edit just fine, create Releases so maybe not a permission issue but I will check.

Hi Mikec,
can you clarify what you mean by "create releases." Is this using the release feature? You do not have source control set up correct?

Create Releases = within the app. left panel "Releases and History" - Create New. Just highlighting that I have the ability to create/edit so doesn't seem like a permissions issue.

Confirming. Not using source control.
Confirming that this doesn't seem to be a permission issue as everyone has Admin rights. We're on self-hosted and there are no roles.

mikec are you able to change the name of your Retool DB resources? Are you getting other similar errors when you try to change any other names anywhere in Retool?

I get the same 403 Forbidden error when trying to rename a Resource.

Hey @mikec,

I have another user running into this issue. Would you mind answering the following?

We haven't ran into this issue before so we may need to gather more information to get a better grasp of the problem. Apologies in advance for the barrage of questions.

  • Please grab the requestId from the failing request in the Networking tab of your developer tools and then share all container logs from all Retool services that have that requestId UUID.
  • If known, what version did this start on?
  • Is it possible your encryption key is missing?

To get that request-id:

  1. Inspect the page
  2. Click Network
  3. Click the clear button on the upper left hand side
  4. Make the request to edit
  5. Click the request
  6. Copy the X-Request-Id
  7. Screenshot the Response tab

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Hey Abbey. Apologies - we're on the same team! I didn't realize alucero had that open. I'll follow-up with questions in the other thread.

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Sounds good, thank you! I'll go ahead and close this thread.