Unable to reference Calendar changeSet times

I'm trying to have a query update the dispatch time when an event is moved on the calendar, however I am having trouble referencing calendar1.changeSet[i].start

I can see the time in the State viewer, but all I get is an empty object when trying to reference it. I am able to reference the time in calendar1.startByIndex

What happens when you console.log(i)?

i: 8

DispatchId: 96804

changeSet[i].start: {}




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I was able to reproduce this bug and linked this conversation to a ticket. I'll send you updates here. Thank you and apologies for the wait!

Keep testing. This might just be a UI issue. Looks like the return value is correct even though the console.log is not.

Is it working for you?

Try console.log(moment(calendar1.changeSet.96804.start).format()) and you should be able to successfully console.log(). Definitely a bug which I've logged, but this is a great workaround until that is resolved.

I was able to get everything working with the moment() workaround. Thanks!

const dispatchid = calendar1.selectedEvent.DispatchId
const dispatch = GetTktDispatch.data.find(item => item.DispatchId == dispatchid)
let time = moment(calendar1.changeSet[dispatchid].start).format()


dispatch.ScheduleTime = time
dispatch.UserCode = current_user.fullName
dispatch.ServiceTicketNotes = ''

return Promise.resolve(putTktDispatch.trigger({
  additionalScope: {
    dispatch: dispatch.DispatchId,
    body: dispatch
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