Unable to import a .proto file from a URL

I have created a gRPC resource, in "Service Definition Source" I have selected "import a .proto file from a URL".

The proto file is publicly accessible, it can be downloaded through the URL https://storage.cloud.google.com/axon-protos/user.proto?authuser=0

Then in a Query I select the resource, but the list of services is empty and the schema section shows the message No schema found.

Unfortunately the service I have to access does not support server reflection. Can anyone give me any clue why it doesn't work?

Hi Pedro,

I don't have access to your files and situation but we had a similar issue. What we found was that Retool does not resolve the google protofuf imported libraries.

We created a single proto file with all the dependencies resolved, which worked for us.

Hopefully, this works for you!

Hello Gustavo,

Thanks for trying to help me. When you say "google protofuf imported libraries" do you mean an import statement such as import "google/protobuf/any.proto"? My proto file is very simple, it does not contain any import.

syntax = "proto3";

package rpc.v1;

service UserService {
  rpc Read(ReadRequest) returns (ReadResponse);

message ReadRequest {
  string id = 1;

message ReadResponse {
  bool admin = 1;
  int32 age = 2;
  string first = 3;
  string last = 4;