Unable to access self-hosted Retool in AWS EKS via ingress

Hi team,
I have deployed retool in AWS EKS by following the documentation - Helm deployment in EKS

I was able to port-forward the K8S service associated with retool deployment and able to access the UI.

Down the line, I wanted to expose it via nginx ingress and provided the following values in the helm values file as below:

  enabled: true
  # For k8s 1.18+
  ingressClassName: nginx
  labels: {}
  annotations: {}
  # kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx
  # kubernetes.io/tls-acme: "true"
  - host: <host-url>
      - path: /retool
  # - secretName: retool.example.com
  #   hosts:
  #     - retool.example.com
  # servicePort: service-port
  pathType: Prefix
  # For supporting other ingress controllers that require customizing the .backend.service.name and .backend.service.port.name,
  # like AWS ALB extraPaths allows that customization, and it takes precedence in the list of paths of for the host,
  # this is in order to allow a rule like ssl-redirect from port 80-->443 to be first ( otherwise there wouldn't be a redirect )
  #   extraPaths:
  #     - path: /*
  #       backend:
  #         service:
  #           name: ssl-redirect
  #           port:
  #             name: use-annotation
  #       pathType: ImplementationSpecific

And did a helm upgrade, the ingress resource got created and when i tried to access the Retool dashboard via /retool url I get the following error in the browser:

{"success":false,"message":"Authentication failure. Missing access token","triggerOauth2SSOLoginAutomatically":false,"triggerSamlLoginAutomatically":false}

Appreciate your help on this issue

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Hi @shai_krish! Welcome to the community. :slightly_smiling_face:

This sounds like an issue with secure cookies. Have you already configured a TLS certificate for your instance?