Unable to access data in request

I am trying to post to a rest API using data from a form, but this

"body": {
"request_name": "create-admin",
"admin_name": {{partner_name_input.value}},
"username": "liam",
"school_name": "Dartmouth College",
"admin_type": "partner"

and this

"body": {
"request_name": "create-admin",
"admin_name": "{{partner_name_input.value}},"
"username": "liam",
"school_name": "Dartmouth College",
"admin_type": "partner"

both don't work. Why?

Hey @connor.seeley, hard to say without seeing the error that you are getting. The first syntax you shared look correct, you don't want the " " around the {{ }} in your reference to the input.

Mind sharing a screenshot of the entire query and the error that you are getting? Thanks!