Unable to access config vars in workflow

I am trying to access a Secret config var in my python code block but I keep getting an error.
What am I doing wrong?

key = {{ retoolContext.configVars.Variable_Name }}

TypeError: unhashable type: 'set' (line 1)

Hi @tj11 :wave:

Interesting issue! I'm trying to reproduce this on my end to see what the problem is.

Could you try removing the double curly braces? That's what's causing my error, but I'm curious if this is the same issue you're facing? See my screenshots below for a visual. :arrow_heading_down:


Hi becca,

Thanks for your response. After some trial and error, I landed on the same solution. Removing the curly braces worked.

I was initially trying with {{ }} because that's what the official documentation suggested - Manage configuration variables | Retool Docs