Troubleshooting Loading Issues with Self-Hosted Retool (v3.33.3)

Hey Retool Community,

We're reaching out to share some challenges we've been facing with our self-hosted Retool instance, currently running version 3.33.3. We hope our experience can shed light on potential issues and solutions for anyone in the same boat.

Our setup: We have Retool deployed in our private cluster with about 10 replicas to ensure stability and performance. However, despite this robust setup, we've encountered significant loading issues recently.

What's Happening:

  • Static Resources Delays: Static resources, particularly JavaScript files, are taking an unusually long time to load. Sometimes, these files exceed the timeout limit and fail to load entirely.
  • Access Issues: This problem arises both when directly accessing specific apps and sometimes even when trying to reach the Retool home page.

Our Actions:

  • We've been working on improving the app performance based on insights from our debugging tools.
  • Despite these efforts, we're still not entirely sure this will resolve the loading issues.

Seeking Help: We're looking for any guidance or support from the community or the Retool team. If you've faced similar issues or have any tips, we would greatly appreciate your input.

Thanks for reading and for any help you can provide!

Tomas Lopez
Let's Bit

Hey Tomas,

It sounds like there's some sort of setup issue with your instance or perhaps VPN.

  • Access Issues: This problem arises both when directly accessing specific apps and sometimes even when trying to reach the Retool home page.

What are are the access issues? Are requests getting a 403? I'd expect access issues to repro consistently.

  • We've been working on improving the app performance based on insights from our debugging tools.

It doesn't sound like these issues are app specific, so I don't think this will help. You can benchmark the load times you're experiencing against a cloud account.


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Hi Pete!

We are just getting timeouts when trying to access to static assets from Retool. This happens sometimes is not consistent and replicable. I asked the teams that work with this apps to take screenshots from the network when we start seeing this problems.

I can add that the last time we observed this issue we check the resources logs and we were fine, so it does not seems to be a outage of RAM or similar.

Since you mentioned that you've encountered significant loading issues recently, did you make any changes around the time it started, such as upgrading version #s, etc