Trigger retool application query from externally

  • Goal: I have a Retool application with a chat interface using the Retool chat. When the user asks something, it triggers some backend python code I have running that does various things and eventually, a few minutes or a few hours later, comes up with an answer. I want this answer to be posted back to the retool chat.

  • Steps: I have tried to do this by trying to trigger Retool Workflows using a web hook. However, it seems like Workflows cannot interact with my application. So while I'm able to trigger workflows, the application remains untriggerable. Would love some help with this.

P.S. A second issue I potentially foresee happening is that even if I'm able to trigger a query in the application, I only want to do this for the user that initially triggered the chat (with a specific UUID). Other users shouldn't have their Retool chat update with this new message. Would love help thinking through this as well.

Hi @pr.f, triggering a Retool App from a Workflow is currently not possible. However, we may be able to achieve this by allowing the App to interact with the response of that Workflow. In other words, we should be able to add a success event handler to the query that runs the workflow, then do the necessary changes to the desired component with the response. Because the changes are made with the response of the query, it should only impact the UI of the user who interacted with it.