Trigger API on Dropdown Button Click


I've watched several videos and have made some progress, but am struggling to get the functionality I'm looking for here, even though I'm pretty sure it's possible in Retool.

I'm building a table app that can dynamically enrich data in the table.

The primary functionality I'm trying to have is an "Add Enrichment" button that opens a dropdown for various enrichments and calls the API and updates the table with the result.

I'm using the demo data and testing with the Gender API.

The functionality I've been able to get work

  • List item

  • Call the API

  • Reflect the result in a column called Gender

The functionality I've not been able to get work

  • Only run the API when the Gender is selected from the Add Enrichment API

    • I think it's re-running the requests, but I'm not actually sure how it's currently being triggered
  • Ideally I'd hide the gender column when blank and once it has values in it I would unhide it

Thoughts on how I can make this happen?

Hey @Patrick_Hoban ,
I am sure you find solution by this Link.
If you need more help, please contact.

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