Track changes in app: user, config altered, and time done

Problem Statement: In the app I have 3 type of grouped queries: search, update, and create. The search is one query, the Update is 4 queries, and Create is 4 queries.

When user clicks 'submit to stage' button, updates or create, queries 1-2 are ran and pushes configs to stage envi.

User checks stage envi, if good, then user push's 'PROD' button and queries 2-4, are ran.

With the audit logs I would like to create a table that has the columns: user id, time, and config updated/created

I tried manipulating this SQL query to pull the info from above but am struggling:

select, u."userName", a."actionType", a.metadata
audit_trail_events a
join users u on a."userId" =
where a."actionType" = 'CREATE_GROUP';

Is there a way to pull the requested information from the audit logs and if so, what would the SQL query look like?

Hey @Ian_Stack — Alex here from the Retool team. Just to confirm, are you self-hosting Retool or are you on Retool cloud? As of writing, you can only query the audit logs with SQL if you are self-hosted Retool.

Otherwise, if you are on the Business Plan, you can access the audit logs from and use the UI to filter logs to your page & query name and download them as a CSV.

If you are self-hosted, let me know and I can help with the SQL query!

I am on self-hosted retool. We have a retool usage app that utilized audit logs. Also in the audit logs I see the UI with pagename, query, user, and date range. However I want to add more filters. I am open to any ideas for a SQL query though!

Hey @Ian_Stack, great here's a query that you can modify as needed to query the logs:

A few notes on the where clause:

  • Unless you are using Spaces, you don't need to add the organizationId = 18511 in the where clause. If you are using a single space, all records will have the same value for the organizationId.
  • Make sure to update this query to add your app name (this is optional but will disambiguate if you have queries with the same name in different apps).
  • Update the value in queryName = ANY() to be a comma-separated list of queries that you want to target (using the query name from the app). It sounds like you might need 2 separate queries targeting your different list of queries in the app?
  • I also added a time range in the where clause to reduce the number of records returned, feel free to adjust or remove as necessary.
  audit_trail_events a
  users u on a."userId" =
  a."pageName" = 'Your App name'
  and a."actionType" = 'QUERY_RUN'
  and a."queryName" = ANY('query1','query2') 
  and a."createdAt" > '2024-07-01T00:00:00.000Z'
  and a."createdAt" < '2024-07-10T00:00:00.000Z'
order by 
  a."createdAt" asc

let me know if this works!

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Hello there, I tried using the SQL query you created however I recieved a 'query error failed' message: 'syntax error at or near ",""

I updated the SQL query you gave to this:
audit_trail_events a
users u on a."userId" =
a."pageName" = 'Next Gen Contact Mock up'
and a."actionType" = 'QUERY_RUN'
and a."queryName" = ANY('create_contactflow_iconbar_1','Update_contactflow_iconbar')
and a."createdAt" > '2024-07-01T00:00:00.000Z'
and a."createdAt" < '2024-07-10T00:00:00.000Z'
order by
a."createdAt" asc

Still stuck thought any thoughts?

For some more background info I have about 100-200 queries that I was wanting to track. For each query ran I want to pull the: user, component alterted (found w/n query's response), and the time (also found within query's response)

Hi @Ian_Stack, are we still having this issue?