Toggle URL encoding on API requests

The ability to turn off/disable URL encoding for API requests.

Some APIs do not accept URL endcoded/percent-encoded requests.

Context: I made a Retool app which queries Zendesk's API. This API does not accept URL encoded requests, while Retool API queries are automatically URL encoded. So I had to make a transformer (below) to circumvent this. Ideally I could simply toggle encoding.

const subdomain = {{}}
const endpoint = {{ endpointInput.value }}
return decodeURI(https://${subdomain}${endpoint})


Hi @benjamin welcome to the Retool community! Thank you for sharing this here, I'll let our team know about it and will circle back if they are able to roll this out at some point. :slight_smile:

I second this. I've got an app in development that requires talking to an API that (unfortunately) won't take an encoded URL. I can't seem to find a workaround... Any ideas on this?

Hi. Is there any updates on this? I have some critical items running on this and the ability to not encode urls (or a workaround) are a blessing.

Hey @suroor, we don't have any other updates on this request at the moment, but I went ahead and bumped this internally with the team. If we get any more details we will make sure to share them here.

+1 on this
Tested on POSTMAN and it worked.
Then I tried on Retool several time. It kept giving bad request, decryption failed

Hi benjamin, I would like to know how this can work for me, could you throw more light