To do list in the left panel


I'd like to have a to do list in the left panel. something with title, description, due date and the list of components involved.


Hi, You can use a listView component to reflect each task, description and due date (sort the data by due date when you query your DB - so you get your tasks in order in the list).

You can hide tasks that are marked as completed and hide them from the list by setting the hidden field of your container to {{checkbox.value}}. I have attached a json example here.

Our sidebar frame (I assume that's what you mean with left panel) may be too small to add the listView.

Hope this is helpful?
to do list.json (9.7 KB)

exactly that, but not for the users.
I'd like to have it for me as a designer.
This way I would remember the components I have to check or the variable names I have to change.

Currently it's a hell to extract the full list of components in the header, sidebar or main frame, to send it in a third part tool just to remind me that :

  • in 'listView1' : change the header color to #777777
  • in 'checkbox 1' : default value to 'False'
  • 'ContainerTitle1' : checking status OK

Does it make sense ?


Oh, I see @cvo :+1: We don't have a feature for this yet but I have passed on your idea to the relevant team.
We will be back in touch if/when this functionality is live.
For now you could keep the listView component in the app and make it visible to you or certain permission groups (current_user state) /environments (retoolContext state) only.

I'll be in touch when I hear back internally :raised_hands:

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Actually the TO DO list could be like the query panel.
One great thing would be to store the task in a dedicated database shared by a whole organization.