Timeout on lambda query after 100sec

We have a Self Hosted retool instance with DBCONNECTOR_QUERY_TIMEOUT_MS increased to 900,000ms (15 minutes). A lambda query within an app is failing with message "{"name":"Dt","data":{},"errorData":"","displayOptions":{"hideToast":false},"trigger":"NATURAL_FAILURE"}" after almost exactly 100 seconds (typically 100.20). The lambda has a timeout of 5min on the AWS side and appears to complete successfully based on AWS logs, taking a little over 2 minutes. I'm unable to change the query timeout value, as it's greyed out in the Advanced tab.

Does the lambda resource have an underlying / inherent query timeout length, and could it be matched to the 100sec timeout i'm seeing in practice? Can this be increased to align with AWS lambdas that might be legitimately configured for a timeout of up to 15 minutes?

Hey @Andrew_Tergis_Kinetic! Welcome to the community. :slight_smile:

It really depends on the architecture of your deployment, but the short answer is that you'll likely need to similarly increase the timeout length in your load balancer or reverse proxy.

If you can give me some more information about your deployment, I can point you in the right direction!

Hi Darren, thanks for pointing us at load balancers - we do indeed have client connections to retool passing through a CloudFlare Tunnel which seems to have that 100s timeout. Sorry, I forgot that those timeouts would also need be enforced client-side as well as retool-server-side.
