Timeout (120 seconds) uploading a relatively small (3mb) doc to vector

Timeout (120 seconds) uploading a relatively small (3mb) doc to cloud vector
Tried uploading a 33kb doc and it timed out also -

What's going on?

Hey @peter.b!

I attempted to reproduce your error and it doesn't seem to be a widespread issue. Would you mind sharing screenshots of the timeout error? Is the vector failing to be created or is it the query that is timing out?

You're also welcome to share the pdf and I can try training a vector on that particular pdf.

Hi @AbbeyHernandez ,
The timeout only occurs if we are programmatically uploading a vector - I think it is actually erroring - but not actually showing the error so the 'uploading' spinner keeps going until we cancel or reload the page.
I will see if I can narrow down what document type/content causes this exactly before sending you on a wild goose chase :slight_smile:

Sounds good, Pete! Let me know when you have more information :slightly_smiling_face: