Tag Dropdown not showing the list of values to select from

Are there any updates regarding this issue? Also, I think Tag (dropdown) column type should be removed or hidden if it doesn't work properly, it's a bit misleading

Hi there @nyadesu.dev!

As of right now, work on the Tag (dropdown) type (and multi-tags in general) is paused in favor of broader table performance work.

I agree we should consider hiding the column type until it's in a working state, and I've passed the suggestion along to our PM. Thanks!


Any update on this? As pills are not available and neither is tag dropdown working properly on simple content such as ["tag1", "tag2"]

Yes a fix for this would be much appreciated @shawntax. We're considering migrating to Airtable just because of this, it makes the table completely unusable for us.

Hi @ant0n and @Lorenzo_Sani!

The update right now is that "fixing" tags in the current Table component is on pause in favor of our team building the new v2 Table component, which is targeted for release at the end of April and will have a better API for tag columns.

I put quotes around fixing because the tag column is not technically broken, just that it has an awkward API that does not fit what you all expect a tag column to do. For simple cases where you have a column that references an array of strings or numbers, I've created this example app JSON that you can upload to your org demonstrates a work-around for creating tags using HTML and a column mapper:

  (() => {
    const tagStyles = 'display:inline; padding: 10px;background-color:black; color:white; border-radius:5px;';
    let tags = '<ul>';
    currentRow.version_tags.forEach(tag => {
      tags += (`<li style="${tagStyles}">${tag}</li> `)
    tags += ('</ul>')
    return tags;

Hope this is helpful as we await the new Table component's release.

simple-table-tags.json (8.8 KB)