Hi, this warning been displayed in the table for a while and I tried to fix but couldn't find where it comes from, I believe it's because of when I removed the input that is responsible for searching the table, anyway this issue is making the table losing its borders, please help get rid of that warning so the table will display its borders again -
Hello @CoderNadir ,
I understand your issue. When you delete the search input responsible for filtering the data but forget to remove it from the search term (visible in the inspect panel below the cell selection), this can cause unexpected behavior.
Correct that was the issue and also I left a removed variable and that's why it was always showing the error of undefined, but as I was using the server side pagination I wasn't able to see that (Search Term input), so I turned off the server side pagination and removed the undefined variable then get back to server side pagination and the border issue wasn't from the table and not because of that issue but it was toggling off the separator of the container header, thank you so much for your help, I'll mark my reply as the solution as it has the description why and how I resolved it.