Table returns values on edit mode, not on public link

I am building an app with a public link.

I created a table with this query (analytics_product_blended)

The problem: this query returns results on edit mode. However, it doesn't work as expeted on public link.

I checked compareset.value and are both publicly available and returns values separately.
I made sure there is no authentication issue.
Bildschirmfoto 2024-03-05 um 11.33.32

Why is it that 2 data sources are working perfectly fine in the public link but the query of them do not?

I found many people with the same problem but I didn't understand their solution. One says "set the module itself to have a public access link" but I don't know what that means.

Any help is appreciated!

Hi @offcampers,

Thanks for reaching out! I see you shared a screenshot of the OAuth set up. Are both data sources using this same configuration with "Share credentials between users"? Public apps do not allow any user authentication, so I am curious if one of the resources uses user-based, non-shared authentication

It would also be helpful to check the browser console/network tab for errors