Table parent group aggregate value is not showing correct value when child group aggregate value contains 0

The new table group aggregate value doesn't work properly when there is nested grouping and one of the values contains 0.

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Hey Ernest! I haven't quite been able to reproduce yet. My table has nested grouping and contains values of 0 (a number type column). Are you still seeing this issue on your end?

Hey Victoria!

What I meant was that for my data set, the discount off subtotal should be the average of the child values, but you can see that it's 0.00% when the nested rows each have a value.

Hope that is clearer!


To be even clearer,

CleanShot 2023-11-14 at 10.46.45

The 0.00% here should be an average of the nested records, however it was showing 0.00% instead. I'm not sure if this is still exhibiting now, but I can try check and reproduce the bug again.

Thank you for the clear screenshot! I still haven't been able to quite reproduce the issue, but my data may be incorrect still. Can you follow the instructions here to download both a .har file and .json file of your app so I can try to reproduce this and then flag to my team? Thank you for all your effort and patience here!