Table not clickable on Retool Embed

For some reason since this morning, the table component is not clickable even it is showing enter a value.

Hello @Tan_Lian_Ping ,

If your Retool table component is not clickable even though it's displaying data, here are some things to check:

  • Interactivity Settings – Ensure "Disable row selection" and "Read-only" are unchecked.
  • Click Events – Debug onRowClick or onCellClick with console.log(event).
  • Console Errors – Open DevTools (F12) > Console for JavaScript errors.
  • Data Source – Log data with console.log( to ensure it's populated.
  • Reset Table – Remove and re-add the table component.
  • Overlapping Elements – Check DevTools > Elements for hidden divs blocking clicks.

Hi @Tan_Lian_Ping,

Are you still experiencing this issue? Are you able to share a screen recording of this behavior?

Have you been able to reproduce this issue on other tables? If you delete the table and create a new one is it still not clickable?

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Hi Jack and WidleStudioLLP

For some reasons, it fixes itself the next day.
Thanks a lot for both your help.


No problem!

Glad it was resolved. Let us know if it pops up again.

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