Table names are contained in a central table

We have a central table that contains the table names of all the other tables in the database
I want to create an app where I chose a table name from the list of tables in the main table and open a query that displays / edits data from the chosen table.
Because of security we need an option that doesn't require disabling the prepared statements control

Maybe you need to use schema,
such as Select * from schema.{{listbox1.value}}, there is some discus here

Hey @Steve_Taite! Unfortunately I don't believe that this is possible. WIth prepared statement protection, we do not allow the dynamic assignment of table names in queries. Even @AnsonHwang's suggestion requires disabling that option.

One thing that some customers have done, is create 2 versions of that resource. The first with prepared statement protection, which is used in most queries and has looser permissions. The second with prepared statements turned off, which has stricter permissions and is only used in a few places. I understand that may not be an option for you, but wanted to raise it as I have had a few customers go this route.