Submit Won't Use Default Value for Date Field


I'm having issues with the date field of this form.

When I submit this form, the default value for the Delivery Date is not being submitting correctly.

Instead, the date "11/30/1899" is being submitted. See pic:

However, if I specifically select a date, than the date will submit correctly.

It only doesn't work when I leave this Delivery Date field unchanged when I try to submit it.

I want the user to be able to use the default value for the Delivery Date without having to select a delivery date if needed.

Any help is appreciated, thanks!

Hi @George_Kriwiel, are you still having this issue? :face_with_monocle:

I'm unable to reproduce it.

Here is the form with a date component (no selection made):

The row gets added with the correct date:

Note: I tried both with and without a default value on the column.