Store scann values to array


How is it possible to write values from scanner to temporary state array?

Further I am trying to write a filter function for a table from the values of the array. Is it possible to define all values of the temporary state array as filter values using the SetFilters function?


Hi @Jordi !

I'll gladly assist you with this!

You can set a temporary state using the event handlers of the Scan component!

From there, you can manipulate the data via the Event Handler itself or via a JavaScript Transformer.

With either method you choose, you can use a JS Transformer to filter the values, then apply them to the table. Would that work for your use case?

I did exactly this. Set temporary state {{self.value}}. And in a text component i’ve got “latest state {{state3.value}}” and on the trigger I got {{self.value}}. Settings on scan once. Still it’s empty. I got another “run script” on trigger with console.log(state3.value). I don’t get any console log output. It doesn’t even trigger. Log stays empty. Any idea? :thinking:

Hey @BobandBill! Would you be able to share a screenshot of your event handler? For the console.log part, I wonder if the console.log event is running before the state gets set since event handlers don't run in any particular order at the moment.