"Storage is not a function" on GCS query

Hi! All of a sudden, our queries that are using the GCS resource to upload files are failing with the error message:

{error: true, message: "Storage is not a function"}

We made sure everything is correct on our end. Is this an issue Retool is experiencing?

Hey @jhk ! Thanks for flagging -- this was definitely a bug on our end :frowning: We've actually just pushed a fix, so this should no longer be an issue. Sorry about any inconvenience this may have caused!!

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Thanks for the update!

Hi @christina! We noticed that we are no longer getting the error but the files are not being uploaded. This could be something wrong on our end (although we didn’t change the retool query recently). I just wanted to make sure it’s working as expected on your end before we start digging.

@Christina bumping to to make sure you saw this. We checked our end and it seems like upload of file is broken. However, we’re not getting the same error anymore.

Hey @jhk -- sorry, this got buried in my inbox somehow :frowning: ty for the bump! I'm taking a look right now.

Hey Christina, any updates on this issue? This has really messed with our workflow :confused:

Hmm, I looked into it and so far have been able to successfully upload files into my GCS instance. @alexb @jhk , messaged you guys separately but happy to look into this further in a live debugging session.