Steps UI to follow Wizard

For my wizard, I want to display a "progress bar" that shows the list of steps and the step you are on. I tried to do this by creating a Step components and pointing it to the Wizard container. The wizard did not show up in the list of containers. I also tried the data source to be mapped and map it to the wizard but again the wizard didn't show up.

Any ideas How to do this?

Thank you!

Hi @jessvin.thomas, The steps property of the Wizard Component looks a bit messy to work with for your use case. Would you be able to use a Stepped Container instead?

It comes with that functionality out of the box.

Thanks, that worked! I didn't realize thats what it did.

BTW - there might be a bug in the wizard when duplicating components.
If you duplicate a component in the wizard (like a select box) it doesn't show up anywhere in the tree explorer tree nor in the UI. However, in state you can see the duplicated components and their state values.

I also could not drag and drop components between wizard steps. I had to manually recreate them if I had it on the wrong step.

Hi @jessvin.thomas,

BTW - there might be a bug in the wizard when duplicating components.

That definitely is a bug—thank you for flagging it here. I've reported this to our engineering team and will update with this post if we ship a fix. For now, this looks like another reason to use the stepped container!

I also could not drag and drop components between wizard steps. I had to manually recreate them if I had it on the wrong step.

I'm able to copy and paste components from one step to another. Hopefully that works instead!