Spell check or grammar

In text box when we type something it should be prompts or give grammar errors like in outlook


If we type some like “ A man can have” give two spaces in between man and can and it will tells us space

Hello @one123!

I can check with our engineering team about adding this request.

We would likely need to have the user specify the language they are looking to enter text in, along with having software to grammar check any and all other languages as well :sweat_smile:

Are you needing to use this for the 'text input' and 'test area' components?


Text input

@Jack_T it actually immediately requirement .

  1. I need grammar check

Note : not spell check

@one123 thank you for the feedback!

I will keep you posted on any updates from our engineer team on this feature request.

In the meantime, I would highly recommend Grammarly, they have browser extensions that will provide helpful suggestions of text that is typed anywhere!

Sure , we are not authorized to use those extensions since cost related