Soundslice embed api code

GET SLICE ({{SoundsliceListCollection.selectedItem.embed_url}}) FROM API item <br>---
<iframe src="{{SoundsliceListCollection.selectedItem.embed_url}}" width="100%" height="500" frameBorder="1" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<br>---<br><div>einde HTML BOX</div>
<iframe src="" width="100%" height="500" frameBorder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<br>---- <br> END HTML <br>

Getting a list of all songs is possible screenshot below.

After "selectedItem" I do get the right information but embed is not allowed because I heed to send the right header information like mentioned in the manual page:

Domain allowlists

Our domain allowlist is a security precaution that prevents your embeds from being hijacked by other websites/apps (and hence costing you money). Our player checks the HTTP referrer to make sure the parent website (the website embedding our player) is on the allowlist.

But in a native app, there’s no HTTP referrer! So how do you deal with this?

### Method 1: Send a referrer manually

Some native-app platforms allow you to send an HTTP referrer in a webview. The instructions vary based on platform — but the main idea is to set the referrer header to a domain that’s on your allowlist.