Sort by doesn't work when I had a group by filter on the table

Sort by doesn't work when I had a group by filter on the table. For example when I click on the group by device, and then sort by users it doesn't sort... but when I remove the group by filter the sorting works fine.
Also, the condition of the color set for some columns doesn't work after clicking on the 'group by' filter.

Screenshot 2024-07-01 at 12.01.33

Any idea why?
Is it a bug?

Hi @R_S_I_F ,

Generally, sort and group by should work together. I also tried to reproduce the issue but was unsuccessful.
In the screenshots below, you can see that the table is grouped by Role and sorted by ID. Both the descending and ascending sorting look correct to me.

Can you share some additional context on your issue? Are you able to sort by other columns? Your screenshot also indicates that your table is currently not sorted by any column.

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when the group by filter is on the sort by just doesn't work.
For example I group by date and then want to sort by Cost (currency type) it shows a date with 150$ then one with 687$ and then one with 124$.

Also, I have a margin collum with conditional coloring. and when the group by filter is on the conditional coloring stops working.

We have a feature request in our backlog for sorting grouped rows by a column outside of the grouping. I'll follow up here when it ships