I am using setValue() on a Text Input with the Input Type of Date and the value from the database (Postgres) is datetime. The new value does not display and the default placeholder text “mm/dd/yyyy” still shows . The grid displays the date correctly with the column type set to Date so I assume the source data is good.
If I change the Type to text it works as expected, but I get that ugly Postgres date format (I could fix that in JS of course) and the date picker is not enabled, I would like the date picker.
Hey @bradlymathews can you try using a Date and time picker component instead of the Text input component set to date type? Personally, I find that the UI of the Date and time picker component is nicer and the JS function datetimepicker.setValue("2/15/2021") seems to be working fine for me.
For the textinput type, I believe it needs a specifically formatted value to work as it doesn't attempt to parse the input with any arbitrary date format the same way the datetimepicker does.
Here's a method to try to get the formatting to match there, but in general the datetimepicker is a bit nicer as Alex T mentioned.
The Date/Time picker does display the date correctly. One major problem though is that when you hover over the component, the little x which is used for clearing the contents pops up over the icon you click to set the date. See screencap.
I tried @alex-w 's suggestion of changing the format and keeping the Text Input component and that worked like a charm, the little x does not show up.
On a related note, is there a way to disable that little x on a (or preferable all) component?