I have a select componenet, which is empty initially, what I want is, if value is selected from dropdown then if I click on button, the select returns to its original state(empty).
You could put your search options in a form: the form has a "reset after successful submit" option that works nicely and you can choose if you want the header and footer of the form.
I hope it helps!
Hmmm, you could change the submit button so it triggers on click an empty query that does nothing but 'validate' the entry. It will then clear each one of your fields! @ishi8
It's not the same. You're running a script that sets values to "".
What I'm showing you is the "Form" element, when you place another element they will be linked to the form and reset event with a clear query: with the solution I provided you, you don't have to write anything in the clear selection query since its just there to clear the dropdowns which will happen thanks to the "Reset after successful submit".
You should try it this way.
Hi @ishi8! Not being able to clear the value of a select component in the UI looks like a regression on our end. We're looking into this urgently now! I'll make sure to keep you updated