Set Timezone App Level

I'm using Retool to display some Data to my clients. They can for example select a Date Range to get their data for the month of March.


I have several queries that run and take these start_date and end_date as parameters. For example, it could be an order_date that needs to be in between these two parameters.

My goal is to ensure the right data is being displayed and it seems the TIMEZONE are affecting my results. Indeed, my order_date type is TIMESTAMP and is being displayed as UTC by Retool.

I would like to set the overall app at a certain Timezone. For instance, I know with Tools like Metabase that I can select a specific Timezone and that all SQL queries will take this into account.

To show you an example, when I query the same Database I get theses results:



I do understand that there is a way to force the Timezone to being in Paris by using the function DATETIME( value, "Europe/Paris") but this would mean having to modify across all queries every TIMESTAMP type object.

I've also consulted the Manage TimeZone Documentation of Retool but my using is really not to display the data through Date Time components but to ensure that the results returned by my queries are correct.

My database is in BigQuery and Im therefore using the correct SQL language.

Could you think of any way I could do that ?

Thank you for your help,

Best Regards,
