Set monday as the first day of the week in datepicker

Hello everyone,

as the title says, for Retool non-American users, it would be useful to have the possibility to edit the first day of the week in date picker widgets.

The MVP would be to have the options in each widget to set Monday or Sunday.
Later, putting a general option in the settings of Retool to change the default first day of the week in all new widgets would be nice to have.

Thank you for reading.


Hi @remy, Thank you for posting your feature request here! We appreciate you sharing how we could improve our calendar input components. I can't offer an ETA for this functionality but this request has been passed along to our engineering team and if this feature gets shipped we'll update this post :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi @remy, I'm reaching out to let you know that we shipped the ability to customize the first day of the week in Date input components to cloud!

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Hi @everett_smith, thank you very much for the follow-up.
Do you know when this feature will be available for self-hosted retool apps ?

Hi @remy, I'm not certain. It should be included in one of our next two on-prem releases which I think are expected on January 12th and January 26th.