Server Paginated Table

Hey team,

Using the server paginated table is so simple and easy to accomplish.

The only lacking feature here is an easy way to pass sorting so you don't have to do a lot of case statements in order to support sorting by various columns.

So suggestion is instead of using case statement have a checkbox that would pass these automatically or enable mappings so it's easier to accomplish.

Hello @stefancvrkotic!

So instead of fetching data, then applying a custom sort on the data via a transformer or JS code block, you would like instead of the sorting to go on in the backend before the data gets in to the frontend?

When you said sorting by various columns, do you mean applying multiple sorts? Are these needed to be applied in a specific order?

For example, sorting numbers Descending for column1 but sorting letters by Ascending in column2?

Curious about the current steps for the use case you have and where exactly the sorting logic would be moved to. Any screen shots would be very welcome!

When server sided pagination is enabled on the table and used with SQL DB sorting doesn't work unless you manually add case statements to ORDER BY clause.

Sorting with API is much easier but with SQL it requires you to manually add sorting for each column i.e. (this could be simplified if you allow "Disable converting queries to prepared statements" but that carries a different risk)

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Thank you so much for the great explination and examples!

Will make a feature request explaining the issue :+1:

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