SendGrid - Get Request for templates with id

Current resource for SendGrid - templates endpoint with a template id does not have the option to input parameters. I need at least the templiate_id to retrieve the response. Am I doing something wrong here? Or is there a better way to retrieve the HTML from my SendGrid templates?

Hey @Jay_Yu, can you share what version you are on? Tested this out on cloud and v3.20 and see the option to set the template ID in the path. Let me know and I can take a look. Thanks!

Hey Joe, sorry for the late reply! As it goes with being busy.

I am not sure where you can find the Retool version that I am using but I looked at the GET /templates/{template_id} endpoint for the integrated SendGrid resource and it still does not have the option to input a template id. Maybe I am not understanding how to use this correctly?


Hey @Jay_Yu, I was finally able to reproduce the issue. Seems like this field doesn't immediately show up for all Sendgrid resources. I've submitted a bug report to and can update you here as I get any additional information on its status.

In the interim, I did find that switching the endpoint to a different one with a path variable and then switching back to the /templates/{template_id} endpoint showed the appropriate field. Can you give that a try and see if it shows up for you?

I have been trying to use:
GET /marketing/singlesends/{id}

I have been trying to trick the sendgrid api for hours...
But I can't get any sendgrid GET resources that requires {id} to show queryParameter dropdown

Hey @tech_ea, the eng team is looking into this. I'll update here as I get updates from them. Thanks.

Hey all, haven't visited the forum in a while but my update is that I have been using the REST Resource Query instead of the built in SendGrid Resource Query. Cheers