Send email with gmail API


I have been struggling all day trying to set up a resource for sending emails through gmails. I tried multiple methods bu they were old and could not make them work. Does anyone have a way to set this up that recently worked?

Thank you,


Hey Olivier! I have never set this up myself (I’ve only used SendGrid in Retool to send emails, but happy to try it out and see if it works. Will let you know

I'm back!

We have an SMTP integration that works with a gmail address:

And it also seems like setting up an OAuth2 resource works as well:

Are you running into any specific errors? :slight_smile:

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Google has changed up SMTP to have separate ports for TLS and SMTP.
If you are using the above config for SMTP (GMAILSMTPClient), you will have to change your port from 587 to 465