I am currently trying to select rows of a table(New) that is using pagination.
I am running a JS Query which calls table.selectRow(). I have tried passing in a list of row indexes and am using {mode:'index', indexType:'data' }. When I input a list of indexes for the entire range of my data, I assumed that using indexType:'data' would select the row regardless of if it is being displayed or not.
When I run this code, it selects all the rows for the page i'm currently on but none of the other rows on any other pages are selected.
I was wondering if selectRow is supported with pagination or not?
True I hope scrolling can work in the meantime. We did prioritize performance with the new table, so it should be able to scroll through quite a bit of data without performance issues
I'm currently trying to do something similar with the new table component. I want to select rows that have not yet been loaded (So when the user goes to the next page the rows with a given index are already selected).
Example - they click a button that will select the next 100 records with 25 on each page.
Is this possible right now? I can't seem to add to selected rows in my table when they arn't visible.