Secure embedding externalIdentifier

I was trying to use secure embedding by providing my current user email address in externalIdentifier but it goes and create a new user with the same email address.
When i tried to include the email address in it gives an error saying

    "error": true,
    "message": "Validation error: email must be unique, organizationId must be unique"

May i know correct combination to not create new users.

In additionally i have few metadata i hope this won't be an issue...

And what's the difference between Product experience in Embed user Desktop + mobile ?
Which cost structure apply for Embed user?


Any update on this would be really appreciated....

Hey @tharkana_am!

Passing in an existing users email in the userInfo object should not create a new user, and should update the existing user. Can you share the POST request you are using to generate the embed link?

I've tested this a bit this morning and it seems to be working, so just want to see where the discrepancy might be. Thanks!

URL : https://retool.<custom_domain>.com/api/embed-url/external-user

I tried using this object 1st

  "landingPageUuid": "uuid",
  "groupIds": ["groupId"],
  "externalIdentifier": "email_address of the user",
  "metadata": {/** Some meta data **/},
  "releaseVersion": "latest",
  "environment": "int"

even though i have an account with the same email it will create another user like this

then i tried this one

  "landingPageUuid": "uuid",
  "groupIds": ["groupId"],
  "externalIdentifier": "email_address of the user",
  "metadata": {/** Some meta data **/},
  "releaseVersion": "latest",
  "environment": "int",
  "userInfo" : {
    "email": "email_address of the user"

I get an error saying

"error": true,
 "message": "Validation error: email must be unique, organizationId must be unique"

Additional info regarding metadata. I have organizationId and few other fields .

Not sure what i'm doing wrong here...

As i asked here any possibility to know the difference between these users too?

Hey @tharkana_am, still can't reproduce the issue on cloud with a custom domain, I'll dig into logs but want to confirm that this is for the instance with the atlasmetrics subdomain?

For your second question, the embed users are considered external users. They are priced as an end user on the account as noted here.

yes it is atlasmetrics