Hi, in addition to the camera component, could we add a scan function? Most expense and crm tools as well as apple Notes have a function where the camera has a little scan frame upon opening. This frame automatically detects a document and creates a scan instead of a photo. Way, way better for B2B and a feature we’d like to request
To add a bit of context, I took an old book and used the Apple Notes scanner on it so you know what the idea is
I use the barcode scanner component frequently and it's great - that is why I was thinking about this more advanced type of scanner. What is getting more common in business banking apps, receipt management apps, basically wherever you need to scan receipts or printed paper frequently, is that you have a scanner which "frames" the object in camera function, then takes a picture and adapts photo settings (making it black and white, auto brightening it) for it to look like a proper scan.
I posted a screenshot from Apple Notes above. In notes, you can click the camera icon and chose the scan function. Here, the camera + scan feature automatically detects the object to be scanned, scans and preprocesses it.
I have multiple clients who requested this feature and would love to implement it. Hope this helps
Thanks for your thorough explanation of your use-case! I agree this is a great addition to the camera feature and made a feature request for this. I'll let you know if there's any headway on this.