Save changes button is hidden behind the pagination component

I noticed that once a table is too narrow it is impossible to click the "Save changes" button once having changed data in the table. This happens because the button is hidden behind the pagination component:

Would be great if this could be fixed soon.

Thanks and best,


Hey Timo! This is definitely something we need to fix. I added this thread to an internal bug report and will update this thread with any updates 😊

Great, thank you!

Hi Victoria,
any news on this problem? Unfortuntaly it isn't solved yet.
Thanks and best, Timo

Hey @betternet, until the UI get's updated couldn't you have a separate "save " button that triggers the update?

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That's a good idea. The space in our app is quite crowded already which is why I hope that the Retool team finds a solution for the problem. Until then this will work.

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This is also blocking us. We're trying out Retool for the first time, but this is creating issues. I see that this was identified and an internal bug report was made 7 months ago. Any updates?

Hi @daterdots! Oh no! We actually released a bunch of updated components, including a new and improved table. Would you mind sharing a screenshot of your table?