Retool Table does not export in Excel (Neither Script nor Event Handler worked)

I have data pulled into a retool table but I am unable to export it into Excel when I use a custom export button.

Event Handler
Please see the screenshot for details. When I click on the button, nothing happens. No file will be downloaded.

Custom Script
Please see the screenshot for details. I had a few different versions to make sure that I did not have a syntax error. However, no line would allow me to export the table into Excel. No error message but no download either. The only way to download is to change the fileType to CSV. However, I hope to get formatted data and therefore CSV is not desired.

If anyone can provide some insights that'd be very helpful.

Hi @yl5682 Thanks for reaching out! This is very strange :thinking: I cannot reproduce this issue on my side. Are you still seeing this issue? Are you using the Cloud version of Retool?

If it's still happening, I'm curious if you've tried this same code in a JS query to see if that makes any difference or produces an error message?

I am also experiencing this issue.

Hi @FacteusTim Thanks for chiming in! Would you mind sharing an app export? Are you using Retool Cloud?

To export your app: