Retool select component will not stay expanded

Hi I'm creating a fee quoting tool. I need an update form to control updates to quotes. I'm using a variety of select components in my app. Some of these components (in the form or elsewhere) expand and stay expanded when the main table has not been loaded. However, when the main table has been loaded (i.e., a query has run and populate the main table) some of the select components only expand for a millisecond. This is an issue as I need to use the select components to restrain updates to the database.

Fee Quoting Tool (v1.0).json (184.2 KB)

Hi @thomasatkinson! Welcome back to the community and thanks for reaching out.

I appreciate the fact that you've proactively shared a JSON export of your app, but I'm not able to reproduce the behavior that you're describing without functional queries. If possible, could you send me an export that includes hard-coded query results?