Having a postgres database with such easy management is amazing for reducing app-building friction. I was wondering if there are any plans to do anything similar for a nosql database option. Having the same capability for, say mongodb, would be outstanding.
All the best,
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+1.... the things i'd do for a mongodb version of retool db . I know it's all personal preference and its rather common now-a-days to find full stack devs who are already versed in SQL, but for software engineers SQL can be some bass-ackwards voodoo trickery at best leading to horribly designed databases from hell. nosql languages provided a database that stored data in a similar way to the data-structures they already know
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Hi @Simon_Turvey + @bobthebear Great suggestion! We currently have an out of the box connector to MongoDB that you're able to leverage, but totally hear you on having a fully native solution as well. I've put in a request with our product team and will follow up on this post if it gets prioritized!
I'll go a bit further than this. Of course you could use a SQL DB. If the USP is crazy-simple app-building though then even avoiding the massaging of JSON responses from external APIs would be facilitated by a JSON-native schemaless database. I'd be in some weird form of heaven at that point I think