Retool Developers Day Q2 announcement -> 'Stacks' Status


Very nice to hear that Retool is rethinking the 12-column Grid, as the current grid can sometimes be challenging to work with, more flexibility would be great!

Since we have some apps live on Retool Cloud, I am a little concerned about the potential impact of an automatic update.

Could you please provide the current status of this update; when can we expect Stacks to be implemented?

Thanks! :pray:


Hi @ellenhelena,

Thanks for reaching out! We don’t have an exact timeline yet, but I checked internally, and it sounds like we'll start with a smaller, private beta to capture customer feedback before rolling out the feature to a broader range of customers. We'll post an Announcement when the beta becomes more broadly available. It will be a gradual rollout, and the new features should not impact existing apps


FYI @ellenhelena, you can sign up for Stacks now!

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