Retool Database not updating, but value is present when queriyng database


I’ve developed a mobile app that updates inventory levels in our Retool Database. However, we’ve encountered some issues:

  1. Data Discrepancies: Occasionally, the data doesn’t arrive in the Retool DB as expected. For instance, when a product is scanned, the current stock level appears momentarily, but it’s not consistently present in the Retool DB.
  2. Incomplete Records: It appears that not all records are successfully added to the database.

Sample Scenarios:

  1. Duplicated Quantity Value: After scanning a product code, the correct value appears in the Retool Database. However, when checking the quantity value with a query right after adding it to the DB, it seems to momentarily duplicate.
  2. Missing Scanned Code Value: Despite scanning a product, the corresponding value doesn’t consistently appear in the Retool DB. However, the “Check Stock” query still shows the value.

Any ideas?

Hi @Klearner, is it possible that the device may be losing internet connection?

Hi @Paulo ,

Fixed the Issue, needed to add a bit of delay between each step.

thank you!

Thank you for sharing how you fixed it! :slightly_smiling_face: