Retool Database not open

Retool Database not open !!
I had delete it by accident with pgAdmin a few weeks ago
Then I sent an email to the support but until now it's not fixed
please help me to open the Retool Database

Hi @Avner1! Looking into this for you now

Thanks !!!

Hi Victoria, whats up? do you need any action from my site?

Hi, any update ?

Hi Avner! I synced with our RetoolDB team and Dan from Support on this and it seems like you should be able to restore using pgadmin and the backup you have :raised_hands: Let me know if this works for you!

Hi, not working
I click on the database its return back after a few secounds

I need the connection information for the pgAdmin

Daniel send me an email that he will send me the connection string ...

Hi Victoria, whats up? do you need any action from my side? I NEED A CONNECTION STRING

Hey Avner! How did the backup go through pgAdmin? And are you able to grab your connection info from inside Retool Database?

Still the same issue problem, clicking on the Database and it try to open but after a few seconds it return to the main dashboard

Would you mind sharing a screen recording of this happening so I can share with the team? :pray: