Retool can't load schema, disabling GUI queries

  • Goal: Show the schema for our database, in our staging environment.

  • Steps: The schema doesn't display, and this makes GUI based queries impossible to create. Testing the connection works fine, and all our SQL queries run without a problem. It's only the schema display, and the options in the GUI query form.

  • Details: The SQL query below works fine:

SELECT column_name, data_type, table_name, table_schema
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_schema != 'pg_catalog'
AND table_schema != 'information_schema'

I had a similar problem, I thibk I solved it by whitelisting the IPs found here.

I also renamed the table by removing the schema and dot prefix from the table name, but i don't think that was the problem. In your case this would be the "information_schema.".

Hope this helps.