Retool AI cannot process Japanese text

  • Goal: I want to use Japanese in some AI queries (i.e., for translations, etc).

  • Steps:

    • Have Retool AI working (API keys, etc)
    • Create an app
    • Create a Chat component, no changes needed, it can run as-is.
    • Enter a sufficiently long message with Japanese in it (e.g., take a news article in and provide at least a sentence or two, or a paragraph to be sure)
    • Retool AI (or GPT-4) responds with a "your message is encrypted or encoded in a different format" notice or similar.
  • Details:

    • This is occurring on the current Retool on the cloud.
    • This issue only happens with the Retool AI component and resource. Using a normal REST API to /chat/completions as most AI services do works perfectly fine (which is why I'm reporting this as a Retool problem)
    • Choosing a different model (e.g., from GPT-4 to Claude 3 Haiku) does nothing.
  • Screenshots:

  • App json export: -> Google Drive